In 2006 the FDA approved the progestin implant. At the time, the device was approved for 3-year duration. Studies since then provide evidence that the progestin implant is effective for up to 5 years, although the labeling remains at 3 years. The progestin implant is a soft, flexible polymer about the size of a match…
Sam’s Medication Abortion is a zine that follows one person’s experience of a medication abortion. This evidence-based resource explains the medication abortion process, side effects, and when to reach out for help.
Many people with mobility and physical disabilities lack basic reproductive health care. People with disabilities are less likely to receive cervical cancer screenings, prenatal care, and family planning services than those without disabilities. Estimates of contraceptive use vary across studies, but some studies indicate that those with disabilities use a narrower set of contraceptive methods…
For decades, birth control pills have been used to treat the symptoms of endometriosis. Does evidence support this? The Cochrane Collaborative updated its review of this topic in May, 2018. Reviewers found 5 clinical trials that examined the use of oral contraceptives to control endometriosis pain. Of these 5 trials, three met criteria for analysis. Two…
A 2018 policy resolution to encourage the AAFP to take several steps to further understand and address the high rate and disparities of maternal mortality in the United States.
A policy resolution urging the AAFP to support efforts to hold CPCs accountable for false or misleading advertising about the pregnancy-related services they offer.