Jan 23

Five Steps to a Resolution
A guide that outlines how to craft policy resolutions for professional organizations like the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
Help Us Protect Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Today!
Jan 23
A guide that outlines how to craft policy resolutions for professional organizations like the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
Jan 22
Some people struggle with nausea related to oral contraception. Read this Contraceptive Pearl for reasons this might be happening and ways to fix this issue.
Dec 19
This Contraceptive Pearl clarifies how to communicate risk to address questions regarding cancer risk for users of hormonal contraception.
Nov 14
Fear of cancer prevents many people from using birth control pills. However, contrary to popular belief, oral contraceptives (OC) do not raise one’s overall risk of cancer. This Contraceptive Pearl lays out the cancer risks associated with using hormonal contraception.
Nov 01
Simple algorithm for clinicians to follow when a removing an IUD from a patient when no strings are visible. Created November 2017
Nov 01
Algorithm for evaluating first trimester bleeding using physical exam, transvaginal ultrasound, and hCG levels for diagnosis.
Oct 10
IUDs are a safe and reliable form of contraception. With proper counseling about known risks, IUDs can be offered ay any time during the postpartum period.
Sep 11
For many reasons, some people have a low adherence rate to their hormonal contraceptives. This Contraceptive Pearl explains trials run by the Cochrane Collaborative aimed at increasing adherence rates.
Aug 03
A 2017 policy resolution urging state academies and the AAFP to recognize health care as a human right.
Aug 01
Why have a period? Hormonal contraception products allow for plenty of flexibility. This Contraceptive Pearls explains how to skip periods by using hormonal birth control. This Contraceptive Pearl was first published March 2010.