Compared to female sterilization, vasectomy is simpler, less expensive, and less likely to cause complications. Vasectomy has efficacy over 99%. Given its many advantages, why is vasectomy so under-used?
For patients who don’t want to have more children, there are several permanent birth control options available: tubal ligation and hysteroscopic sterilization for women, and vasectomy for men. This Contraceptive Pearl covers the pros and cons of each option.
Women with migraine headaches have a higher risk of stroke – migraine with aura raises the risk more – and estrogen-containing contraceptives raise the risk of stroke even further. May women with migraine headaches take estrogen-containing birth control?
Seventy percent of teens report having had intercourse by their 19th birthday. However, 41% of teens aged 18-19 report that they know little or nothing about condoms, and 75% report that they know little or nothing about the contraceptive pill. This Contraceptive Pearl coves how best to talk to teens about contraception.
Lisa Maldonado, co-author of Community Health Centers’ Role in Family Planning discusses her ACU Column, published in the May 2013 issue of the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.
How long do IUDs remain effective? After the FDA approved the progestin (Mirena) and copper (Paragard) IUDs, further studies supported two extra years of use for each device.
When a woman needs emergency contraception (EC), remember the Copper IUD! This Contraceptive Pearl covers use of the Copper IUD as emergency contraception.
Skyla contains 13.5mg of levonorgestrel and provides up to three years of protection against pregnancy. Learn all about this new intrauterine device in this Contraceptive Pearl.