Dec 01

Advance Prescription for Emergency Contraception
A 2006 policy resolution encouraging family physicians to talk to patients about emergency contraception at routine visits and dispense prescriptions in advance for women of reproductive age.
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Dec 01
A 2006 policy resolution encouraging family physicians to talk to patients about emergency contraception at routine visits and dispense prescriptions in advance for women of reproductive age.
Dec 01
A 2006 policy resolution urging NYSAFP to work with insurance companies, including Medicaid, to allow the dispensing of a 3 to 6 month supply of contraceptives at one time.
Dec 01
A 2006 policy resolution to ensure that medical decision-making does not become a violation of state or federal laws and to ensure opposition to any legislation which gives the government the right to define appropriate medical practice.
Dec 01
A 2006 policy resolution recommending that training in all three forms of miscarriage management be required components of family medicine residency training curricula.
Aug 01
Publication examines how hospital religious affiliation effects their emergency contraception prescribing practices.
Jul 01
Article describes how an evidence-based, flexible, patient-centered approach to initiating hormonal contraception may help lower the rate of unintended pregnancy in the United States.
Dec 01
A 2005 policy resolution urging pharmacies throughout the United States to honor physician prescriptions in a timely manner, especially with regard to emergency contraception.
Dec 01
A 2005 policy resolution urging local insurers and regulators to establish fair and equitable professional liability insurance rates and health insurance reimbursement rates for family practice physicians who provide a range of services within their scope of practice.
Dec 01
A 2005 policy resolution that defines effective sexuality education, pregnancy prevention, and sexually transmitted disease prevention programs.
Dec 01
A 2005 policy resolution that urges the AAFP to oppose federal legislation which mandates parental consent or notification for minors seeking contraceptives.