
Resources for FQHCs on providing reproductive health care

Federal Law Requirements for Women’s Reproductive Health Services at Health Centers This document is an updated compendium providing information regarding federal rules, regulations, and statutes related to the provision of reproductive health services at federally qualified health centers.  This compendium was developed by the law firm of Feldesman Tucker Leifer and Fidell. It reviews the rules on the provision of women’s reproductive health services, specifically how they affect health centers that receive federal grant funds under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, as well as rules related to other federal programs, including: (1) Medicaid and Medicare programs; (2) Title X of the Public Health Service Act; and (3) the AmeriCorps Program.

Women’s Reproductive Health Services Sample Policy and Procedure This is a sample policy and procedure that health centers may wish to review to ensure that their relevant policies and procedures are up to date with the current federal requirements addressed in the compendium above.  It was drafted by the law firm Feldesman Tucker Leifer and Fidell in response to numerous requests from the field after the initial distribution of the compendium, and, further, in response to the request of NACHC’s Board of Directors at its November 14, 2016 meeting.  The sample policy and procedure offers general guidance on applicable federal laws and regulations regarding women’s reproductive health services (including definitions of services and referrals that comply with Section 330 and the Hyde Amendment as well as the Hyde Amendment exceptions) and can be tailored appropriately by health centers to fit the specific facts and circumstances of their individual operations. (This document is a PDF. If you would prefer a word document instead, please reach out to

See our Practical Guide to Understanding Restrictions on the Use of Federal Funds for Abortion Services for up to date guidance on how to navigate federal funding restrictions on providing abortion services.

Insights into Abortion and Miscarriage Care

This bi-monthly clinical e-newsletter highlights evidenced-based best practices in abortion and miscarriage care

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