
Sam’s Medication Abortion Zine

Sam’s Medication Abortion is a zine that follows one person’s experience of a medication abortion. This evidence-based resource explains the medication abortion process, side effects, and when to reach out for help. We have included files to view online as well as files you can print out and assemble into a booklet. We have also included a Learning Guide with links to additional resources about medication abortion. The art in this zine is by Kit Mills, a Brooklyn-based artist.


RHAP seeks to use language that does not discriminate or reproduce binary schemes. For this reason, the letter “x” will be used throughout this zine to give gender neutrality to the words that allude directly to characters in the zine. We know that this is not perfect and will continue to evolve as language conventions evolve.


RHAP busca utilizar un lenguaje que no discrimine ni reproduzca esquemas binarios. Por esta razón, la letra “x” será utilizada a lo largo de este documento para dar neutralidad de género en aquellas palabras que aludan directamente a nuestrxs pacientes. La intención es que cada unx proyecte su propia identidad de género y se sienta includidx en este document. Sabemos que esto no es perfecto y seguiremos evolucionando de acuerdo a las convenciones del lenguaje.

Insights into Abortion and Miscarriage Care

This bi-monthly clinical e-newsletter highlights evidenced-based best practices in abortion and miscarriage care

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