Nov 06

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Access List Community Guideline Violations Procedures
Purpose: To define a list of possible action steps that may be implemented in the event of an Access List member’s violation of Access List Community Guidelines. These action steps are meant to ensure the psychological and physical safety and wellbeing of the whole group. We acknowledge that (un)learning and growth are ongoing and infinite processes.
Process for identification of a community violation
Consequences of a community guideline violation
Violations will generate both a public boilerplate response to the List and a resharing of the community guidelines, and a private response to the offender.
With the exception of those that blatantly violate community agreements, conversations that are productive and allow for learning and growth will not be interrupted. We believe that missteps can present important opportunities to change and grow together. In contrast, conversations that cause harm to our community will either become moderated (to specifically allow space for members of the community being harmed to respond), or will be completely closed to new replies if necessary. RHAP will monitor these situations closely and will manage them on a case by case basis.
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Nov 06