Contraceptive Pearl: Copper IUD as Emergency Contraception
When a woman needs emergency contraception (EC), remember the Copper IUD! This Contraceptive Pearl covers use of the Copper IUD as emergency contraception.
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When a woman needs emergency contraception (EC), remember the Copper IUD! This Contraceptive Pearl covers use of the Copper IUD as emergency contraception.
Skyla contains 13.5mg of levonorgestrel and provides up to three years of protection against pregnancy. Learn all about this new intrauterine device in this Contraceptive Pearl.
Many clinicians follow a two-visit protocol for IUD and implant insertion: the first visit for counseling and testing, the second visit for insertion. Is this delay necessary? Or can we safely quick start progestin IUDs and implants?
Unplanned pregnancy among women with diabetes mellitus poses serious risks to both the mother and the fetus. Contraception is a critical and often over looked component of diabetes management. The Contraceptive Pearl covers contraceptive options for women with diabetes.
This Contraceptive Pearl covers what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) means for birth control access.
This Contraceptive Pearl covers what to counsel patients who vomited their contraceptive pill.
Women may ovulate soon after an abortion. Many patients presenting for pregnancy termination are dissatisfied with their current contraceptive method and open to making a change. This Contraceptive Pearl covers post-abortion contraceptive options.
IUD or implant insertion may cause pain, anxiety, and fear. This Contraceptive Pearl covers interpersonal techniques clinicians can use to reduce patients’ perception of pain.
After pregnancy, breastfeeding can work in conjunction with birth control, or even on its own as birth control. Learn more about the intersection between breastfeeding and birth control in this Contraceptive Pearl.
This Contraceptive Pearl explores IUD insertion, with overviews of reasons one might want an IUD inserted and some of the many pros of this type of contraception.
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