Women’s Satisfaction With Abortion Care in Academic Family Medicine Centers
The primary study aim was to describe patient satisfaction with abortion care in family medicine centers (FMCs).
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The primary study aim was to describe patient satisfaction with abortion care in family medicine centers (FMCs).
This EngenderHealth guidebook, is a companion to the No-Scalpel Vasectomy: Illustrated Guide for Surgeons.
This 4.25″ x 5.5″ card offers a holistic lens to counseling and provides patients with information on how to care for themselves during or after an abortion with a focus on time, space, support, nourishment, and mindfulness. The card also provides a music playlist featuring BIPOC artists and a “RAIN” meditation. Art by Priya Handa,…
RAD provides free legal compliance advice to eligible abortion providers in all U.S. states and territories through their Regulatory Assistance for Abortion Providers (RAAP) program on how to navigate restrictions and reduce the negative impacts of anti-abortion laws. Experts can help with questions about establishing or expanding services, complying with abortion-specific state laws, preparing for…
This IPAS curriculum applies the mentoring model to the health-care arena to help mentors guide change in health care settings.
This fact sheet explains the option of getting an IUD inserted immediately after childbirth.
this EngenderHealth curriculum is an easy-to-use reference for clinicians that describes each step of the no-scalpel approach to vasectomy care.
This website, developed by the Fenway Institute, contains an extensive library of learning modules, videos, webinars, and other resources to support health care organizations optimize quality, cost-effective, and dignified care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and all sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) people. Link: https://www.lgbtqiahealtheducation.org/resources/
This is a protocol to care for patients who have had an ultrasound without visualization of an intrauterine pregnancy and who have an indeterminate last menstrual period. For further guidance, read our Protocol for Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment.
This resource shares common questions and concerns clinicians may hear about self-managed abortion (SMA) and how you can answer patient questions and share important information. Some highlights include: “How do I know the pills are real?”, “What’s the best way to use the pills?”, and “Can anyone tell that I used these pills?”