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Showing 219 Resources

Clinical practice handbook for safe abortion

This comprehensive reference, published by the World Health Organization, is a useful resource for clinicians in various settings to provide safe abortion care and to treat complications.  Link:

Clinical Mentoring and Provider Support for Abortion-Related Care

An IPAS training manual for clinical mentors and others providing clinical and programmatic support to health-care providers offering abortion-related care. Includes content, activities and materials to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills for clinical mentoring and provider support.

Initiating Hormonal Contraception

Most patients can safely begin using hormonal contraception at any point in their menstrual cycle. This article covers an evidence-based, flexible, patient-centered approach to initiating contraception promotes health and enhances patients’ reproductive autonomy. This article was published in American Family Physician in March 2021.  It is an update of an article originally published in 2006.…

Guide to Phone Triage: After Hours Medication Abortion
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This guide can be used to train support staff on answering phone calls from patients undergoing a medication abortion. It provides scripts and answers to common questions asked by patients and notes situations when staff should transfer patient calls to a clinician.

Structures & Self: Advancing Equity and Justice in SRH

This course from Innovating Education, Structures & Self: Advancing Equity and Justice in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, is a learner-led, justice-informed curriculum designed to teach clinical learners to consider how systems of power and legacies of structural oppression impact their care for patients.

Gender-Affirming Reproductive Health in Primary Care
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This presentation offers an overview for clinicians who would like to learn more about providing patients with gender-affirming reproductive health care in primary care. Includes a variety of cases to review with learners. If you are interested in CME credit, you can request a workshop. For more information visit our CE webpage.

Clinicians’ Perspectives on Mifepristone Regulations in Primary Care

This publication details an exploratory study of US primary care clinicians’ perspectives on the effects of mifepristone restrictions, including US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, on access to medication abortion and early pregnancy loss (EPL) management in primary care. Protocols including mifepristone are the most effective medication regimens for medication abortion and EPL management.…

Pregnancy of Unknown Location Patient Take-Home Sheet
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For patients whose pregnancy was not seen on ultrasound, use this patient handout to help explain the next steps. You can also share our Ectopic Pregnancy Fact Sheet for more information on symptoms, tests, and treatment for ectopic pregnancy.

The Well Project

The Well Project is committed to building agency and health literacy among women living with HIV by developing and providing access to culturally responsive, scientifically accurate, women-focused HIV information. Their library hosts nearly 200 educational fact sheets in English, Spanish, and Hindi, slide sets, and recordings of webinars on important topics related to HIV.  Link:…