Nov 06

Help Us Protect Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Today!
Telehealth services have emerged as an important tool for expanding access and availability of patient-centered reproductive health care, including contraception, abortion, and early pregnancy loss care. While telehealth will not remove all barriers and enhance equity for all, it is one important option that RHAP is prepared to support health care workers to implement and sustain. Below are resources compiled from RHAP, partners, and outside entities that can support your work as telehealth reproductive health care providers. Some resources may reflect needs pertinent to a public health emergency, but they still offer key considerations for providing telehealth reproductive health care.
If you have a resource that you would like us to include or create, or if you have questions or resources that you are looking for, please reach out to us at Please feel free to use and adapt RHAP resources according to our copyright.
Birth Control: Providing Telehealth Care
Contraceptive Care via Telehealth Guidance
Beyond the Pill: Protocol for the Provision of Contraceptive Services via Telehealth
Upstream: Guidance on Implementing Telehealth for Contraceptive Care
Non-Prescription Birth Control Fact Sheet
Your Birth Control Choices Fact Sheet
Emergency Contraception: Which EC is Right for Me Fact Sheet
Electronic Health Record for Contraception Care Visit: Contraceptive Pearl with template
IUD Self-Removal
Abortion: Providing Telehealth Care
Clinical Protocol for Telehealth for Medication Abortion Care
Telehealth for Medication Abortion Care Workflow
Abortion Pill Info to Read Prior to Phone Visit
Mifepristone Distributor Patient Agreement (Danco & GenBioPro)
Consent Form for Remote Abortion with Pills
Medication Abortion Consent Form
Early Abortion Options Fact Sheet
Insights: Telehealth Provision of Medication Abortion: Facilitating Access Across Geographies
Telephone Follow-up for Medication Abortion and Evidence
RHEDI Checklist for Medication Abortion with Minimal Contact
Guidance for Providers Offering Misoprostol-Alone for Abortion Amidst COVID-19: A resource developed by Gynuity Health Projects and CEDES, in collaboration with ASAP, CLACAI, REDAAS and Women Help Women
RHITES: Telehealth Medication Abortion by State Map
RHITES: Telehealth Medication Abortion Policies At-a-Glance
Guttmacher Institute: State Bans on Medication Abortion
National Health Law Program: Asynchronous telehealth in states that cover abortions for Medicaid beneficiaries
Pregnancy and Early Pregnancy Loss Telehealth Care
Early Pregnancy Loss (Miscarriage) Treatment Options
Early Pregnancy Loss (Miscarriage) Medication Management Consent
Telehealth in antenatal care: recent insights and advances
Billing for Telehealth Visits
Center for Connected Health Policy – Telehealth Coverage Policies in the Time of COVID-19
NFPRHA Coding and Billing for Telehealth Services
AAFP: A Virtual Visit Algorithm: how to differentiate and code telehealth visits, e-visits, and virtual check-ins
ACOG: Billing for Remote and Telehealth Services
AMA: Commercial Coverage for Digital Medicine Codes
Other Resources for Clinicians
RHAP Slide Deck: Telehealth for Reproductive Health Care
FPNTC’s guide for helping health center staff reduce stress during COVID-19
Association of Clinicians for the Underserved’s publication on the effects of virtual care delivery on health center clinician engagement and burnout
NFPRHA’s guide on Telehealth for Family Planning Providers
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Telehealth
Trauma-Informed Telehealth in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond
Building Trauma-Informed Connections to Patients via Telehealth
Increasing LGBTQIA+ Access to Sexual and Reproductive Care with Telehealth – factsheet on barriers LGBTQIA+ communities face in their efforts to receive reproductive health services and how telehealth can bridge gaps in access and equitable care
Addressing Language Access for Reproductive Telehealth Care – factsheet by RHITES, COLOR Latina, Frontera Fund, and NHeLP on how telehealth can enhance language access for folks seeking sexual and reproductive health care.
Telemedicine Resources & Best Practices
CMS General Provider Telehealth and Telemedicine Tool Kit
AAFP Toolkit for Building and Growing Sustainable Telehealth Program in Your Practice
Hollander J, Carr BG. Perspective: Virtually Perfect? Telemedicine for COVID-19. New England Journal of Medicine. March 2020.
Weigel G, Frederiksen B, Ranji U, Salganicoff A. Telemedicine in Sexual and Reproductive Health. KFF. November 2019.
Ibis: Examining Telehealth Use in Sexual and Reproductive Health
National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers: offers free technical assistance
Essential Health Access: Expanding Delivery of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care through Telehealth
American Medical Association: Equity in Telehealth Issue Brief
Center for Connected Health Policy: Audio-Only Telehealth Policy
Expanding Medication Abortion Access (EMAA)
Additional Resource Pages from Partners
Essential Health Access: Telehealth Essentials for Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
Bedsider’s “Where to Get It”: search engine to find reproductive health services, including online prescription and delivery for birth control
Upstream guidance on contraceptive access during the COVID-19 pandemic
Beyond the Pill Contraceptive Care During COVID-19, Telehealth Resources & Best Practices
EMAA: Telehealth Equity & Medication Abortion Care Overview & Advocacy Guide
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Nov 06